Western Hills Senior Retreat 2024

The purpose for this retreat is to provide a positive academic and social experience in a unique setting. The students will depart by bus from school at 8:00 AM on APRIL 25TH, and will return by bus to school in the early evening of APRIL, 26TH. Students must ride the bus to and from the retreat; NO STUDENTS ARE PERMITTED TO DRIVE. The total cost per student is $30 (if paid in CASH), or $40 if using the online payment link. This covers lodging and all meals and activities. Students need no additional spending money. The total cost must be paid no later than APRIL 19th. Refunds will not be issued for any reason.

In order to attend the retreat, students must meet the following criteria:

Pay the full fee by April 19 . Fee may be paid to team leader, Liz Thole, or class adviser, Lori Troescher.

Pass ALL classes during 3rd quarter and up to the date of the retreat

Have no out of school suspensions or expulsions 3rd quarter and up to the date of the retreat

Complete the attached EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM and the REQUEST FOR DISPENSING MEDICATION form (if the student takes medications)

Understand that this is a school activity, and therefore all school rules apply while on this trip. Students will be held accountable for any infractions of the school or district code of conduct.

Thursday, April 25 –
Friday, April 26, 2024

Event Policy: No refunds or exchanges

The purpose for this retreat is to provide a positive academic and social experience in a unique setting. The students will depart by bus from school at 8:00 AM on APRIL 25TH, and will return by bus to school in the early evening of APRIL, 26TH. Students must ride the bus to and from the retreat; NO STUDENTS ARE PERMITTED TO DRIVE. The total cost per student is $30 (if paid in CASH), or $40 if using the online payment link. This covers lodging and all meals and activities. Students need no additional spending money. The total cost must be paid no later than APRIL 19th. Refunds will not be issued for any reason.

In order to attend the retreat, students must meet the following criteria:

Pay the full fee by April 19 . Fee may be paid to team leader, Liz Thole, or class adviser, Lori Troescher.

Pass ALL classes during 3rd quarter and up to the date of the retreat

Have no out of school suspensions or expulsions 3rd quarter and up to the date of the retreat

Complete the attached EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM and the REQUEST FOR DISPENSING MEDICATION form (if the student takes medications)

Understand that this is a school activity, and therefore all school rules apply while on this trip. Students will be held accountable for any infractions of the school or district code of conduct.

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