Homecoming 2024

Join us for a night of fun with friends at the 2024 Walnut Hills High School Homecoming Dance!

Dance FAQ

  • The homecoming dance is being held on South Field at Walnut Hills High School from 8:00pm-11:00pm

  • Doors will open at 8:00pm, and close at 8:45pm. No students or guests will be permitted to enter the dance after 8:45pm.

  • The Homecoming dance is open to Walnut Hills students in 10th-12th grade ONLY. Guests from other schools must also be in 10-12th grade or under the age of 21.

  • Students and guests should have ID (school or other) ready when entering the dance, for the check-in process.

  • All who attend the homecoming dance will only be permitted on South Field - there is no building access during the dance.

  • Students are not allowed to leave the dance earlier than 11:00pm, unless a parent comes to the entrance of South Field and escorts the child home. An administrator or faculty member will be in that area to assist in locating your child for you.

  • Students must have transportation arrangements, their ride should be at South Field prior to the end of the dance. Students will be allowed to leave on their own starting at 11:00pm.

  • This is a semi-formal dance. NO JEANS OR COSTUMES ARE ALLOWED.

  • Dresses need to be appropriate and functional for a high school dance.

  • Please be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as there will not be a secure area to leave them, and you will have to walk on the turf during the evening.

Tickets can be purchased online until September 15th through September 26th

Questions? Contact Ms. Greulich (greulih@cpsboe.k12.oh.usor Mr. van der Bent (vandera@cpsboe.k12.oh.us)

Guest Permission Slip

Saturday, September 28, 2024
at 8:00 PM EDT

Event Policy: Guest Permission Slip - must be submitted to 2209 or 1110 by September 25th - This event has a no refund policy.

Join us for a night of fun with friends at the 2024 Walnut Hills High School Homecoming Dance!

Dance FAQ

  • The homecoming dance is being held on South Field at Walnut Hills High School from 8:00pm-11:00pm

  • Doors will open at 8:00pm, and close at 8:45pm. No students or guests will be permitted to enter the dance after 8:45pm.

  • The Homecoming dance is open to Walnut Hills students in 10th-12th grade ONLY. Guests from other schools must also be in 10-12th grade or under the age of 21.

  • Students and guests should have ID (school or other) ready when entering the dance, for the check-in process.

  • All who attend the homecoming dance will only be permitted on South Field - there is no building access during the dance.

  • Students are not allowed to leave the dance earlier than 11:00pm, unless a parent comes to the entrance of South Field and escorts the child home. An administrator or faculty member will be in that area to assist in locating your child for you.

  • Students must have transportation arrangements, their ride should be at South Field prior to the end of the dance. Students will be allowed to leave on their own starting at 11:00pm.

  • This is a semi-formal dance. NO JEANS OR COSTUMES ARE ALLOWED.

  • Dresses need to be appropriate and functional for a high school dance.

  • Please be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as there will not be a secure area to leave them, and you will have to walk on the turf during the evening.

Tickets can be purchased online until September 15th through September 26th

Questions? Contact Ms. Greulich (greulih@cpsboe.k12.oh.usor Mr. van der Bent (vandera@cpsboe.k12.oh.us)

Guest Permission Slip

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